How Dieting Can Make You Unhealthy by Mr Great Fitness

First of all thank you for landing on this article "How Dieting Can Make You Unhealthy" by Mr Great Fitness. Now without wasting your time let us start with article "How Dieting Can Make You Unhealthy" by Mr Great Fitness How Dieting Can Make You Unhealthy by Mr Great Fitness Dieting to lose weight is simply not the way to go if you want to maintain your health and it is specially not the way to go if you are trying to recover from an illness. You can do yourself more harm than good if you put yourself on any kind of calorie restricted food regimen. First off the very nature of being on a diet is that you are deprived of the calories and nutrition that you would normally be taking in if you were not overweight. This means that you are running your brain and body on less fuel than usual. The result is that you can expect your physique to be a little less efficient because you simply are “running on empty.” When your body is...